Auralite 23 Stone Sphere Ball Orb Crystal Altar Stone 505 Grams Red 2024 Hematite Tip & Sunken Record keeper Very RARE AAA+++ 70 MM
Auralite 23 Stone Sphere Ball Orb Crystal Altar Stone 505 Grams Red Hematite Tip & Sunken Record keeper Very RARE AAA+++ 70 MM
WEIGHT 505 Grams
Auralite is said to be the most powerful gemstone on this planet!
Auralite-23 Crystal is also known as Auralite 23, Auralite Amethyst or Kindred Spirit Crystal. It is also called “A New Stone of the New Consciousness” because of it's high frequency and abundance of metaphysical properties. Auralite-23 is unusual and attractive, contains many silicate minerals and metals. Coloring is primarily translucent assortment of purple, gray, clear, orange, red (the red tips are from iron, this is more visible in larger crystals).
Auralite-23 crystal is a new crystal for Code Clearing, DNA Healing and Cellular Activation. It is the Stone of Awakening on every level. The metaphysical properties of natural crystal combinations like the Super 7, are taken to another level with this new find from Northern Canada. Auralite-23 crystal is part of the Sacred Geometry of the Earth's Core and the New as One Light frequencies. The Auralite Crystal connects to its keeper like a twin spirit, and teaches that "all is as one", reminding us of how alike to one another we are, despite outer differences. Due to its many properties, this crystal offers so much! Auralite reads into your Spirit, searching and highlighting that which could be improved, and that which can benefit from healing or clearing. It will then give support and help to light the way to sources that can be of benefit once it has completed its search.
Auralite 23 properties include.
Considered the most powerful crystal on the planet with 23 crystals in one!
Empath protection
Calling in your twin flame if you are ready and they are as well
Pineal gland activation
Master Channelling crystal
Clears all chakras
Opens crown chakras
Aids intuitive abilities
Self Acceptance
Self Confidence
Healing energy for empaths
Awakening power 2024 for Light workers
Connects to Angelic Realm
Brings Calmness
Brings ancient knowledge
Removes fear of ones power
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