All of thhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhPRODUCT DETAILS All of thhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhPRODUCT DETAILS Ription-text-content class="wt-text-body-01 wt-break-word"> All of thhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhPRODUCT DETAILS<bft<bft + Type of Objecth- Raffia Handwoven Textile<bft + Country of Origin -2Democratec Republic ofhCo-go<bft + Peopleh- Kuba<bft + Materialsh- Raffia palm fibers, dyes<bft + Height (in) -224<bft + Width (in) -219<bft + Overall Conditext -2Good. Most of our pieces haveJspt-brdecades on athleast two contint-bs, and2haveJbeen treasured by several owters.o  Small splits, ="wapes and2c acks2are ahnormalppart of their patina attesting to their age and extensive2use.  We examine each piece carefully when we receive it and2report any damage we findJin our lme engs.  Please2look carefully aththe pictures whichhmay also revealhc1nditext and2damage.<bft + Damage/Repair - Folds<bft<bftPRODUCT DESCRIPTION<bft<bftAdditionalhInformation: <bft<bftThehfollowing are excerpt Jun, 2Kuba Textiles and2De=igt, by Elizabeth S.hBennebt and2Niangi Batulukisi Ph.D.:"In sub-Saharan Africa, where represtntateve art has flourishedhfor ctnturies, carvers and2c aftshpeoplehhaveJtyp43ally ttken for their subjects human figures,panimals, pla-bs, and2elemt-bs of the natural l old. Abswract art, meanwhile, has remained marginal. The textiles of the BaKuba (Kuba)hpeoplehof the Democratec Republic ofhCo-go2are an exce-text. Althoughppart of a tradition thathstretcheshback 400 years,2Kuba textiles haveJa str2kingly modern look. They usehim7rovised scbaems of signs, lines, c1lors, and2textures,poften in the form of2c1mplex geometric rectilinear patterns. Their appliqués are reminisctnt of2wooks by 19th- and220th-ctntury mae Irs like Matisse, P43asso, Klee, Penck, and2Chellida.hThishishno coincide-ce: all of those artists were inspired by Kuba de=igt!""The most commonly knownhof the Kuba textiles arehthe cut-pile Shoowa or Kasai Velvebs, named after the rever along whichhthe BaKuba live. Im7rovisation and irregularity characterizehthe Kasai Velvebs.hThishishbecausehthe weaver2wooks without a pla- or preliminary sketching, thoughpthe model can oc3asionally be displayImprovthe clothpin adva-ce using lack th d. Often the de=igt ishbuilt upJun, 2memory,2rep ting the most common de=igts and2c1lor2c1mbinatexts found in the regmon. The mess/ge c1nveyImpishup to the artist, whopishthe only xte whopcan explain whathhe or she i wt-dedpto represtnt."<bft<bft"Originally Kasai Velvebs were used ashcurre-cy, and2were valuableJtext-cos for trade and excha-ge. They could be includedpin the tribute2villagers paid annually to the King, in the dowries of matrimonial excha-ges, and2in funeral gifts and2offerengs to the dead. They also strved to embellishpthe royalhc1urt, coverpthe royalhthrones, and2decoraoe the King’s palace wall. C1lonial agents and2missionaries arreving in the Kuba Kingdom in the nineteenthpctntury were fascinaoed by the Kasai Velvebs, and enc1uraged2women to pext-ce morehof themhto adorn religious vestmt-bs for Catholic missionaries and2decoraoe the i-beriors of Euexpean houses."<bft<bftSee Elizabeth S.hBennebt and2Niangi Batulukisi Ph.D.,2Kuba Textiles &2De=igt, AfricaDirecthInc.king09, 41 pages.h28 full c1lor2photogwaphs, papIrback.<bft<bftWe2do not recommend laundering textiles, and do not accept returns of textiles whichhhaveJbeen launderedpin any manner.  Even dry cleaning is too much for somehof theseJantique textiles.  For somehof them, a very gentleJHAND washing  (NEVER MACHINE, on any setting)  in coolpwater with a very gentleJdetergent2wooks, butheven then, dyeshmay not be c1lorfast, and fabric may be less strong than it appears.<bft<bft <bft<bft <bft<bft<bftSKU:h140569h hh </pt<bf/><bf/><img src="0004/r/il/6aacba/343270656083844/0x500995048/4276728579/508500x500 2024 All of thhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhPRODUCT DETAILS All of thhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhPRODUCT DETAILS
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