LEVI'S 201 JEANS, 2024 vintage levi's, vintage clothes men, vintage and rare, two horse, workwear jeans
Levi's 201 denim shirt: https://www.etsy.com/pl/listing/1199699186/levis-denim-shirt-levis-201-shirt?click_key=79b83f82ae0d0b9812e7f62606ac032cb9b15c9f%3A1199699186&click_sum=36413d65&ref=shop_home_active_7&frs=1
Levi's 201 jacket: https: https://www.etsy.com/pl/listing/1108374464/levis-jean-jacket-levis-201-type-1?click_key=cd40a2c278231f3d0cf1b804bdf696f65403199a%3A1108374464&click_sum=7c42c724&ref=shop_home_active_14
A very rare, Levi's "workwear" 201 series jeans, based on the vintage, 1890 model.
Size 38x34
Waist: 2x50cm
Lenght: 113 cm outside, 83 cm inside
Thigh: 2x34 cm
2x23 cm
Straight/relaxed fit. Suspenders buttons, linen fabric 201 patch, one back pocket. Beautiful, naturally faded, soft denim.
Distressed look with great fades.
LEVI'S 201 history:
"LS&Co. launched a “value” version of its famous 501® jeans sometime around 1890. It was called a 201®, or “No. 2,” and was a bit cheaper than its more premium older brother. The company added this jean to the line because it knew that not every working man could afford the top of the line work pants. As the originator of “patent riveted clothing” in 1873, LS&Co. felt it was important to reach every consumer.
Like the 501® jean, the 201® jean was made with denim from the Amoskeag Manufacturing Company in New Hampshire, though it wasn't the famous “XX” 2024 denim which gave the first blue jeans their name. It had a linen waistband label, instead of leather, and less expensive buttons. However, it did have the pure copper rivets in all the right places.