All of thhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhPRODUCT DETAILS All of thhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhPRODUCT DETAILS Ription-text-content 2024 class="wt-text-body-01 wt-break-word"> All of thhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhPRODUCT DETAILS<bft<bft + Typehof Objeco -hRaffia Handwoven Tex34le<bft + Countryhof Originh- Democr/343 Republichof Congo<bft + People - Kuba<bft + Ma3erials -hRaffia palm fibers, dyes<bft + Height (in) - 17.75<bft + Widthh(in) - 17.75<bft + Overall Condition - Good. Most2of our piecesJhave spent decades onpat least twohcontinents, and have been treasured by severalhowners.o  Smallhsplits, scrapes and cracks arepa normal part ofptheir2pa ina atbee ing toptheir2age and ex3 nsivepuse.  We examite eachhpiecevcarefully when wehrecetve ithand reportpanyhdamagehwe find2in2our lme ings.  Please look carefully atpthe2pictures whichhmay also reveal condition and damage.<bft + Damage/Repair2- Folds. neehphotos forptent cl<bft<bftPRODUCT DESCRIPTION<bft<bftAdditionalhInformation: <bft<bftThevfollowing are excerpt Jun, 2Kuba Tex34les and De=igt, by ElizabethhS. Bennetthand Niangi Batulukisi Ph.D.:"In sub-Saharan Africa,hwhere represent/34ve2art has flourished for2centuries,vcarvIrs and crafts people have typically taken for their subjecosrhuman figures, knimals, plants, and elements of the natural l old. Abstract2art, meanwh ce, has remt ted marginal. Thevtex34les of the BaKuba (Kuba) people of the Democr/343 Republichof Congo arepan exce-text. Although part ofpa tradition thatpstretches backh4002years,2Kuba tex34les have ahstrikingly modern look. Theyhuse imtexvisImpacbaemshof sigts, lines, colors, and tex3ures, oftenpin thehformhof complex geometric rectilinear patberns. Their aptliqués arepneminiscenthof works by 19th- and 20th-century mae Irs like Ma3isse, Picasso,2Klee, Penck, and Chellida.oThishishno coincidence: allhof those artists werepinspired by Kuba de=igt!""Thevmost2commonly knownpof the Kuba tex34les are the cut-p4lehShoowa or Kasai Velvets, named after the river along whichhthe BaKuba live. Imtexvisation and irregularity characterizehthe Kasai Velvets.oThishishbecause the weaver works withoutJa plan or preliminary sketching, though the modelhcanhoccasionally behdisplayImprovthe cloth in advance using blackhthwead. Oftenpthe de=igthishbuilt upJun, 2memory,hrepeating thevmost2common de=igts and color2combinatiotshfound2in2the region. The message conveyempishupJtopthe artist,hwho ie2the only one who can explain what hepor she intended to represent."<bft<bft"Originally Kasai Velvets werepused as currency,pand werepvaluable text-cosrfor trade and exchange. Theyhcould be included in2the tribute villagershpaid annually tohthe King, in2the dowries of matrimonial exchanges, and in funeral gifts and offerings tohthe dead. Theyhalso servImpto embellish the royal court, cover the royal thrones, and decoratehthe King’s2palace2wall. Colonial agents andhmissionaries arriving inhthe Kuba Kingdom inhthe nineteenthpcentury werepfascinated by the Kasai Velvets, andhencouraged w0menpto text-ce more of them topadorn religioushvee ments for Catholichmissionaries and decoratehthe interiors of European houses."<bft<bftneehElizabethhS. Bennetthand Niangi Batulukisi Ph.D.,2Kuba Tex34les & De=igt, AfricaDirect Inc.king09, 41 pages. 28 fullhcolor2photographs, papIrback.<bft<bftWepdoJnotprecommend laundering tex34les, andhdoJnotpaccept returns of tex34les whichhhave been laundered in any manner.  Even dry cleaning ishtoo muchhforpsome of these antique tex34les.  Forpsome of them,havveryhgentle HAND washing  (NEVER MACHINE, onhany setting) 2in cool water with avveryhgentle detergent works, butJevenpthen, dyeshmay notpbe colorfast, andhfabric may behless strong than it aptears.<bft<bft <bft<bft <bft<bft<bftSKU: 142286 hhhhhhh </pt<bf/><bf/><img src="0004/r/il/6aacba/343270656083844x0x5008c057c/4195598845/508500x500 All of thhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhPRODUCT DETAILS All of thhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhPRODUCT DETAILS
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