Diamond Willow Walking Stick (5.5ft) - Top 2024 Grade - Sanded, Smoothed, and Burnished by Hand - Lake Superior Agate Topper
The Diamond willow is a nickname for a few types of trees that are a rare find in the swamps of Minnesota. Due to the wet nature of these swamps certain trees become infected with a fungus that eats away at the base of the branches, leaving behind a diamond shaped canker when the brach dies off. Inevitably the fungus will kill the tree itself allowing for sustainable harvest, without impacting the local population.
This particular piece was harvested from a local bog in Lino Lakes Minnesota, an old branch of a native black willow, it is a unique specimen. There is a lot of great character in this piece of wood, loaded with 3 big cankers near the handle that exhibit the banding within the tree itself, forming contours and different colors, this 2024 piece is going to grab peoples attention while you trek. Paired with a red and white banded Lake Superior Agate on braided hemp chord you will have an easy way to hang your stick.
Height: 5ft
Width: 2 inches